Commercial Lawyer : Investment

The Tax law reserves an opportunity for the owner of a restaurant, hotel, discotheque, who wishes to receive the profits of his company and also wishes to pass it on to his children in the future with a tax that is lighter than the inheritance tax which are heavy.
He can sign a private pact with his children. A Pact called “Dutreil” in french.
This pact allows it to benefit from a 75% abatement on the basis of the rights, ie the “value of the company” (calculated according to the rights given) in addition to the direct € 100,000 per parent and per child.
If the donor makes the donation before the age of 70, a reduction of the 50% fee is only possible when the donation is made in full ownership.
A commitment to retain the company’s shares by the signatories is required for 2 years, and by the donees for 4 years at the end of these two years. The commitment must cover at least 20% of the capital in the case of listed companies or 34% in default.
It is also possible to benefit from 5 years of averaging of payments of rights and then to split the maturities over 10 years.
The use of a notary is not necessary if the donation relates to shares or shares. Thus notarial fees will be non-existent.
The SELARL Law Firm Petroussenko advises you and draws up these commitments in order to secure the operation as best as possible. You can contact the Cabinet at :
trade trade trade investment investment investment investment commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law commerce law – french lawyer french lawyer french lawyer french lawyer french lawyer french lawyer french lawyer french lawyer. Investment investment investment Dutreil dutreil dutreil dutreil dutreil dutreil dutreil dutreil dutreil dutreil dutreil
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